Section: New Results


Participants : Nicolas Gouvy, Xu Li, Nathalie Mitton, David Simplot-Ryl.

In mobile wireless sensor networks, flows sent from data collecting sensors to a sink could traverse inefficient resource expensive paths. Such paths may have several negative effects such as devices battery depletion that may cause the network to be disconnected and packets to experience arbitrary delays. This is particularly problematic in event-based sensor networks (deployed in disaster recovery missions) where flows are of great importance. In [27] , we use node mobility to improve energy consumption of computed paths. Mobility is a two-sword edge, however. Moving a node may render the network disconnected and useless. We propose CoMNet (Connectivity preservation Mobile routing protocol for actuator and sensor NETworks), a localized mechanism that modifies the network topology to support resource efficient transmissions. To the best of our knowledge, CoMNet is the first georouting algorithm which considers controlled mobility to improve routing energy consumption while ensuring network connectivity. CoMNet is based on (i) a cost to progress metric which optimizes both sending and moving costs, (ii) the use of a connected dominating set to maintain network connectivity. CoMNet is general enough to be applied to various networks (actuator, sensor). Our simulations show that CoMNet guarantees network connectivity and is effective in achieving high delivery rates and substantial energy savings compared to traditional approaches. CoMNET has then been extended in [26] to multi-hop movement.

In [12] we propose a novel localized Integrated Location Service and Routing (ILSR) scheme, based on the geographic routing protocol GFG, for data communications from sensors to a mobile sink in wireless sensor networks. The objective is to enable each sensor to maintain a slow-varying routing next hop to the sink rather than the precise knowledge of quick-varying sink position. In ILSR, sink updates location to neighboring sensors after or before a link breaks and whenever a link creation is observed. Location update relies on flooding, restricted within necessary area, where sensors experience (next hop) change in GFG routing to the sink. Dedicated location update message is additionally routed to selected nodes for prevention of routing failure. Considering both unpredictable and predictable (controllable) sink mobility, we present two versions. We prove that both of them guarantee delivery in a connected network modeled as unit disk graph. ILSR is the first localized protocol that has this property. We further propose to reduce message cost, without jeopardizing this property, by dynamically controlling the level of location update. A few add-on techniques are as well suggested to enhance the algorithm performance. We compare ILSR with an existing competing algorithm through simulation. It is observed that ILSR generates routes close to shortest paths at dramatically lower (90% lower) message cost.

In [29] , we propose a novel trust management scheme for improving routing reliability in wireless ad hoc networks. It is grounded on two classic autoregression models, namely Autoregressive (AR) model and Autoregressive with exogenous inputs (ARX) model. According to this scheme, a node periodically measures the packet forwarding ratio of its every neighbor as the trust observation about that neighbor. These measurements constitute a time series of data. The node has such a time series for each neighbor. By applying an autoregression model to these time series, it predicts the neighbors future packet forwarding ratios as their trust estimates, which in turn facilitate it to make intelligent routing decisions. With an AR model being applied, the node only uses its own observations for prediction; with an ARX model, it will also take into account recommendations from other neighbors. We evaluate the performance of the scheme when AR, ARX or a previously proposed Bayesian model is used. Simulation results indicate that the ARX model is the best choice in terms of accuracy.